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Alberta Apartments for RentAlberta Apartments for RentBritish Columbia Apartments for RentBritish Columbia Apartments for Rent
Manitoba Apartments for RentManitoba Apartments for RentNew Brunswick Apartments for RentNew Brunswick Apartments for Rent
Newfoundland Apartments for RentNewfoundland Apartments for RentNorthwest Territories Apartments for RentNorthwest Territories Apartments for Rent
Nova Scotia Apartments for RentNova Scotia Apartments for RentOntario Apartments for RentOntario Apartments for Rent
PEI Apartments for RentPEI Apartments for RentQuebec Apartments for RentQuebec Apartments for Rent
Saskatchewan Apartments for RentSaskatchewan Apartments for Rent

House hunting on RentCompass is super easy, with as little clicks as possible you can find the apartments for rent you are looking for. You can search for apartments for rent in a specific area simply with typing the town or neighbourhood you are interested in inside the location box on our home page to find apartments for rent in that area.
If you prefer to search for apartments for rent by province/city however you can do that by selecting one of the province links above. Also you can search by apartments if you are specifically looking for apartments.