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RentCompass ID: B71298

182,192 & 204 Lisgar Ave., Tillsonburg, Ontario

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Apartment for rent in Tillsonburg at 182,192 & 204 Lisgar Ave. On a leisurely Saturday morning, what will you do first: walk over to the nearby tennis courts to challenge one of your neighbours to a friendly game? Or will you pack your bathing suit and stroll over to the water park for a fun-filled day with the family? Afterwards, pick up dinner from one of the many local restaurants on the way home, and enjoy a relaxing evening in your quiet, comfortable apartment.

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 "[Our Resident Manager] is always friendly and has a smile on her face." - Emma, Resident"My Resident Managers did a great job with the snow removal around our buildings … [They] were out clearing walkways and snow blowing the sidewalks and helping tenants digging out their cars so they could commute to where ever they were going in this weather." - Kim, Resident
The charming town of Tillsonburg is home to unique retail districts that present great shopping opportunities, including one of Ontario's only town centre malls. It also boasts fabulous recreational facilities such as a water park and golf courses, and fascinating cultural attractions such as the Annandale National Historic Site & Museum.
Amenities include Large Windows, 24-hr Emergency Service, On-site staff, Rental Office, Quiet Neighborhood, Balcony or Patio, Visitor Parking, Controlled Entry, Ceramic floors, Open-concept Design, Landscaped Grounds, Outdoor parking, Bright, Spacious Rooms, Carpeted floors, Spacious Closets, Resident Events and Laundry Facilities.
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