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RentCompass ID: B71301

575 28 th St. W., Owen Sound, Ontario

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Apartment for rent in Owen Sound at 575 28 th St. W. Act now and receive 1 year of free parking when you reserve your new home by October 31st! Ask about our seniors discount!OPEN HOUSE Sat & Sun 10-4It's Sunday afternoon. What are you going to do first: saunter down to beautiful Georgian Bay, located just a short walk away from your comfortable apartment? Or will you hop on the bus for the short ride to vibrant downtown Owen Sound, where you can explore the city's many galleries, museums and independent shops? When you live at Huron Manor, the possibilities are endless!

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With its breathtaking natural attractions, it's easy to see why Owen Sound is known as "The Scenic City." It sits at the foot of the beautiful Niagara Escarpment in a river valley along the pristine shores of Georgian Bay. The city is also rich in cultural offerings, including the Georgian Bay Symphony, a vibrant artists' co-op, regular festivals and an array of fascinating museums and galleries.
Amenities include 24-hr Emergency Service, Resident Events, Rental Office, Open-concept Design, Large Windows, Visitor Parking, On-site staff, Oversized Balcony, Room for Kids to Play, Spacious Closets, Controlled Entry, Scenic View, Landscaped Grounds, Carpeted floors, Balcony or Patio, Outdoor parking, Stove, Outdoor play area, Laundry on each Floor, Quiet Neighborhood, Bright, Spacious Rooms and Fridge.
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