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RentCompass ID: B71294

455 Sandys St., Chatham, Ontario

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Property Information
Bedrooms: 1 Type: Apartment
Bathrooms: 1 Available: Immediate
Locker Balcony
Pets permitted

Apartment for rent in Chatham at 455 Sandys St. At the end of a long day, clear your head with a brisk stroll through your safe, tree-lined neighbourhood. If you don't feel like cooking, treat yourself to a delicious dinner at one of the friendly nearby restaurants on the way home. Back at your quiet, comfortable apartment, shut out the outside world and listen to some great music with a hot cup of tea or a nice cool beverage.

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 "Thank you greatly for your time and obvious care and concern for your properties and tenants. Your properties are the cleanest and most well-kept and maintained that we have visited over the past few years and cities." - Resident"Every time I hear of someone I know that is looking for an apartment, I always mention Northland Place at 455 Sandys Street in Chatham." - Kevin, Resident
There's always something to do in charming Chatham. The city is teeming with specialty shops, riverfront dining, fascinating museums and entertaining live theatre productions. It sits along the winding Thames River, and is home to a plethora of significant historical sites such as Uncle Tom's Cabin, a key destination for freedom seekers on the Underground Railroad. Chatham hosts a number of great festivals throughout the year, including several renowned classic car exhibitions.
Amenities include Laundry on each Floor, Courtyard, Visitor Parking, Balcony or Patio, Bright, Spacious Rooms, Carpeted floors, Accessible Entrance, Smart Card Laundry, 24-hr Emergency Service, Small Pets Allowed, Large Windows, Hardwood floors, On-site staff, Outdoor parking, Open-concept Design, Laundry Facilities, Landscaped Grounds, Spacious Closets, In-suite storage, Intercom Security, Elevator, Rental Office, Oversized Balcony, Quiet Neighborhood, Ceramic floors and Resident Events.
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